Stanza 602 of the Life Goes On Series was selected as part of Fiber Fusion, a juried exhibition featuring members of the Surface Design Association residing in Washington state. The show will travel: in June, at Allied Arts in Richland; in November, at VALA in Redmond; in February, 2017, at Northwind Arts Center, Port Townsend; and in March, 2017, at the Schack Art Center in Everett. While Stanza 602 will be in all four shows, up to six works in the Life Goes On Series will be shown at some venues. All six will be at the Schack Art Center.
Director of Curatorial Affairs Stefano Catalani selected At Mile Markers 7 and 14 for exhibition in the lobby of Bellevue Arts Museum( BAM) from May through October. In partnership with BAM, a lobby vitrine features work by members of Northwest Designer Craftsmen. At Mile Markers 7 and 14 recalls hikes in the rain forests of Alaska. Branches fall from trees creating small tepees. Deep mosses grow over these leaving mysterious, dark, internal spaces in which all sorts of things live and grow. Each of the pieces is made with over seven miles of processed silk thread.